
the coin guardians of the universe.
closed species by 04en @ da, th & caa


in a world filled with sinners, there are beings that have quite an exceptional potential over the chance of being rehabilitated, changing from bad to good. with Eloheim’s utter kindness to humanity, She takes the lost souls from the purgatory and gives them a chance of rebirth. She gives them a new form and a new role – to be a kroseifra; with the responsibility to be a wanderer’s inventory servant as well as guardian.

kroseifras come in different forms; and family relatives usually lose their memories of being related to one another; making kroseifras lone and not have families – until Eloheim has sorted them into guilds, leading them to learn emotions of connection once again before going over to the real world and doing their jobs as kroseifras.

these beings can potentially fall in love with one another, however union and reproduction of another kroseifra through this method is impossible. human to kroseifra is seen as forbidden, as the bond is an indication of a serving contract only; an apprentice, not a love interest.

kroseifras do not age for they are half immortal. they can only die once Eloheim retracts their existence as punishment after breaking rules and resorting back to their sinful ways. after a kroseifra disappears, all memory of this kroseifra towards others also vanishes, unless memorandums are there to remind them strongly enough of this kroseifra; which takes a hefty amount.

kroseifras coexist with proiesytes that possess them once Eloheim gives them their body. they act as their comrades and cannot live without a tangible host – they serve as extra eyes and extra helping hand for inventory work.


kroseifras have the ability to take two forms – their human and soul form.